
Autumn changes

Well hello all you internet lovelies.

Seems like ages, and it has been, well most of the summer at least. But now the weather is a changing and I will be inside more so hopefully posting new blogs on a regular basis. I say hopefully to be honest I’m not tying myself down here so if things happen I’m not stressing out over getting a blog out each week or whatever, but I do want to keep you up-to-date with anything interesting.

And I have a really interesting thing happening this Friday.  I have joined a group of designer/makers who share a shop and each take it in turns to ‘man’ said shop, roughly 3 days a month which is great, but the one of the best bits is that I can afford it. A shop like this would be way out of my price range on my own and also if I was checkout girl full time I’d have no time in which to make any stock for the shop, which is why up till now I’ve sold through monthly markets on Saturdays, Etsy and a bit of other on-line stuff.  The lease on the shop they were using ended and they moved to better premises in Touchwood, Solihull, Birmingham, and some vacancies came up for new designers so I wont say I jumped at the chance but after a bit of pondering and financial umming and arring, I did jump at the chance.

And we open in the shining new premises on Friday. I have picked that as one of my ‘in’ days this month as I want to be there and find my feet so to speak, think I’d have gone in anyway to be honest.

The place is call the Handmade Boutique and the other designers are so talented, it’s a great bunch to be in with. If you are in the area over the weekend we are running an opening raffle which will included lots of goodies made by the designers and also one of  my little needle felted teddies, and it would be great to see lots of people in on the first day.

Well that will do for today, don’t want to be too much of a shock to the system, but I’d just like to add a really BIG Thank You to all you lovely readers, Even though I haven’t written a blog in months, I still have a constant stream of readers, so thank you all.
 till next time
Hugs and Kisses

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