Good Morning all, how have you been this week?
We are easing out of lockdown a little more now here in England and have found out this week that we are able to go on our holiday still. Myself, hubby and the dog are very excited about this. And I made a new sun-hat and lots of masks to take with us.

Me with new hat and masks
Other than that I haven’t really achieved much this week. Do you have those weeks when you just don’t seem to get anything done? I have made an effort to spend 30 mins tiding my sewing room. It was getting quite out of hand and getting rather hard to see the flour even. 5 x 30 mins later it does seem better, but more to do yet.
Research is important
On thoughts of my making a Ball Jointed Doll, I haven’t done any actually progress. But I have been doing research. I watched a fabulous video that I wanted to share with you. It shows a technique in making the inside of the doll’s head hollow. You need it to be hollow with a BJD as you need to be able to thread the strings though. I hadn’t heard of Barbara English or Fairysnmypond before and found her by randomly browsing YouTube. This idea is ace. I haven’t had time to tried it yet. But I am definitely going to give it a go and obviously I will let you know how I get on.
Also I changed that poor dolls legs again. I decided that she was just too messy and floppy like that. So after a bit of thought, I decided on beaded knees and now I think I am finally happy with them. She also got a new hat.

The other thing I have worked on this week is prepare 2 heads for making silicone molds. I have always sculpted all my faces individually before now, but to go along with my little teddies dolls I thought I might try making molds of my favourite faces to speed up the process and to enable me to consequently keep the costs down.

And my little card men are finished now too. Arn’t they sweet?