
momentous day, well bit of an exaggeration, but it is pretty darn special x

Good Morning Folks,

Well today is it, the first day of the rest of my life.  The day has finally dawned. I am now officially no longer working 9 to 5, but am free to pursue my dream of sewing for a living.
There are so many things I want to start with, but I need to be a little organised and it really hasn’t sunk in yet that I actually have time to get all the things done as I don’t have to go back into work on Monday.  You see I have been part-time since returning to work after having my kids, and have had Fridays off for a while now, so being at home on a Friday is perfectly normal, but the thought that I have all next week and the week after and the week after (you get my drift) to complete all the project rumbling around my head isn’t real yet, hopefully it will sink in soon though. 
First step is to get this blog linking with all the things it needs to facebook, twitter (not really sure about that one yet), pinterest, and  set up an Etsy shop, then I guess I should make things to put into the Etsy shop, (or maybe that should be the other way round). Today I think I will work on a banner for the top bit of the blog that more reflects me.  Oh and I do have to pop into old work still just for 1/2 an hour to sort out the last of some certificates, but that really should be the end of it, after all they’re not paying me any more.
I am incredibly excited too and really happy, but there is another reason as well.  Whilst on our holiday a couple of weeks ago the other half, ie boyfriend as those who have read my profile bit know, actually proposed.  He got down on one knee on a beautiful spot on the sand dunes overlooking the sea on a lovely sunny afternoon and asked me to marry him.  Well the answer was yes without a moment’s hesitation, but as I was a little taken back, I did ask him to do it again about 5 minutes later just to be sure I hadn’t imagined it. So we shall become Dr and Mrs J. at sometime next summer, not to coincide with kids exams or other things, and I quite like Dr J. as a nickname for him so from now on when referred to in my blogs he will be Dr J. instead of the other half.
So as you can imagine my mind is now filling up with wedding dresses, hats, flower bouquets and the like. We want the day to be as laid back as possible with everybody having a great time, and preferably outside, and I want to make as much as I can, all the money has gone on the house so the budget will be low, but that won’t stop it being perfect and we are in no rush so we have plenty of time to get it all ready.
This does mean that my journey and consequently this blog will now be taking a slightly different route, but isn’t that the wonderful thing about life you really never know what’s round the corner.
Excited and inspired, yours till next time

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