
Spring Break Time yay

Good Morning internet lovelies,
I hope you have all had a great weekend, the weather here in
the centre of England was fantastic and provided a lot of sitting out sewing time,
which was lovely. Sadly, I fear it won’t last but I am undaunted though as this
week contains a much looked forward to and highly exciting event……

This week me and Dr. J. are off on a camper van trip to the
West Coast of Scotland. We are looking forward to this so much, I can’t tell
you. A chance to re-charge batteries and find new inspirations amongst some of
the most stunning scenery in the world.
Loch Fyne from above
 I have never been before but Dr. J. has,
so we are following his lead.

We are setting off Wednesday morning and taking
it very easy, stopping in the Lake District on the first night and then to Loch
Lomond on Thursday
 Image result for loch lomond photos free to use

 and with no more than 3 hours driving a day, we intend to
have lots of dog walking time, painting time, reading time and just quiet time.
Although I’m sure Dr. J. will be itching to get his guitar out before long. I
do love sitting immersed in something whilst he fills in with background music,
so that’s fine too.

I shall have plenty of time to work on my crochet blanket, a
project I started to take on camper trips to do whilst driving (Dr. J. not me
obviously). I have only completed one strip so this needs a lot of work still.

And I shall be taking paints, pencils, and paper galore, to
try and capture some of the stunning scenery.
But one of the main things I want to use this time to do is
get organised. If you are a regular reader you will know that Dr. J. bought me
an awesome planner for Christmas from The Girls Mean Business, which is ace,
but I have not really got the best out of it yet. And I am still chasing my
tail, rather than planning in advance and knowing what I’m up to each week. So,
I intend to really get this sorted out over the week away with lots of filled
in note books with different coloured pens, or at least have a decent framework
to start from when we get back, it is a holiday after all.
Image result for loch lomond photos free to useBecause of this trip away, I can tell you now there will be
no blog next week either, I believe/hope we may be away from wifi for quite a
bit of the time, and apart from the grand reveal of the Makers Melody on Sunday
16th April, I shall be quieter on the social media front all round,
but don’t worry, I’ll come back fully refreshed and ready to get at it

So, stay tuned for a much more organised presence in a
couple of weeks’ time.
Hugs and Kisses


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