
The Makers Medley

Hello lovely internet people.
I do hope you had a fantastic weekend. I’m writing this
in the new Monday morning timeslot, which feels much better for me at least. A
whole new week spreads before me with lots of time to do everything. Instead of
the end of the week when you realise that you have no hope in finishing half those
tasks and your to-do list was too long and everything is a bit of a rush. Well
to write a better blog I’m now doing it on a Monday. I’m sure you’ll all appreciate
a better written blog.
Anyway, by not writing this post last week I have some incredibly
exciting news to tell you all about.
Drum roll ………………….

I won, I won, I won, does a little happy dance around the
Wait up, what did I win I hear you asking?? Well……
No automatic alt text available.The Makers Medley, are 11 fabulously creative doll makers who
got together to form a group to push themselves and create a new doll each month
to a specific theme. Since they haven’t been going too long, this is only their
2nd month, you may not have heard of them yet, but they are going to
be big.  And they decided they wanted a
12th member so designed a little competition and I won.
Little happy
dance again, you might be able to tell I’m quite excited about this.
The competition was to make a ‘me’ doll and write a little
about me and, and this is my doll.

 And text..

Well here is me, not so much as
I look now may be. But as I see myself still, I’m 50 this year, but in my head
I am still young with the wish to be a ballerina and my teddy by my side. Why
do I make dolls? Because I still love playing with them and having an excuse to
have a teddy help me? My rosy cheeks have always been a blight with a lot of
green make-up bought when I was younger to try to cover it up, but the hair is
how I always wanted it and used to have a perm to achieve but never so thick or
lush, but in my mind’s eye this is me. That’s why it is such a shock when I
look in a mirror.

Apparently, they had a very hard time decided, lots of
lovely dolls entered, but in the end, they went with 2 of us as they just couldn’t
decide, so now it’s a group of 13. Lucky for some.

The other winner was the incredibly talented @drolldillydoll, check her
out if you don’t already follow her, her work is exquisite. 

So, the next theme for The Makers Medley is ‘strange and
unusual’, I am going to have to push myself and think outside of the box for
that. Just what I need to progress my doll making abilities. Dolls to be revealed
on 16th March, not long I best get on with it, that week stretching in
front of me is getting shorter, so I’m off.
Chat you all next week.
Hugs and Kisses


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