
Update on the year so far

Hello I’m still alive,

Just thought I best let you know.

After writing 2 or 3 blog posts a week, this feels like a very prolonged absence, mainly due to family life, custom orders, technical issues and a very large case of procrastination (or is that just couldn’t be bothered), But I would like to thank all new readers. It quite amazing really, although I haven’t posted a blog since the beginning of March, I am still getting new readers and my stats have been ticking along very nicely, much to my surprise, so Thank You all.

So what have I been up to that has kept me so busy. I’ve been kinda turning a little gothic for a start, not personally I have to add, still very 40s/50s in my own style, but custom orders wise.

I have just finished a copy of the red dress worn by Mina in the film Bram Stoker’s Dracula in red taffeta, which I have to say was a real pain to sew as testified by my finger looking like pin cushions by the time I had hand sewn all the leaf/petals on.

Before that there was a black velvet Victorian bustle outfit for the same lovely lady. She runs Alternative Ceremonies, check her out if you want something a little more unusual and you might see her wearing something I’ve made. Photos should be here soon of a photo shot she was planning on doing of my outfits, in Whitby this weekend just gone, a really big weekend in the gothic calendar.

Also I’ve made a few men’s hats along the gothic line, they have been real fun, although I had to wrap towels around the top of my foam head, Betty, to make her big enough to fit a man’s hat.

Well that will do for now, but there will be more soon. Over the weekend, I post up a picture on Facebook and Instagram of a new work bench made from a wardrobe and promised a post of how I did it. And also it’s another end of month and that means a Historical Sewing Challenge, although I have to admit to not doing March, but hey ho.

So speak soon and take care everyone.

Hugs and Kisses

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